How do I prepare for a math test?


Tips for taking a Math Test

  1.  Look over the test.
  2.  Work out all the problems you know how to do quickly. Don’t dwell too long on the problems.
  3.  Next, do the problems that are slightly more difficult and take a little more thought. 
  4.  Do the most difficult problems last. These problems are usually multi-step and take longer.
  5.  Word problems are generally about life situations and their answers should make sense to you. If your answer doesn’t, it is probably wrong.
  6.  When the test is completed, if you have time, look it over and see if you did all the problems and are satisfied with your answers (beware of negative numbers).
  7.  Don’t second guess your answers if you are sure they are right. Your 1st thought is the best one.
  8.  Turn in your test and get a good night’s sleep. Thinking about it won’t help your grade and may distract you from doing well in another class.


  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2024
  • Views 12
  • Answered By Ed Gilbert

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