What are some important Math Terms, Order of Operations, and Integers?


Math Terms

Addition:  add, plus, sum, sum of, increased by, total of, more than, greater than, and, added to, gain of

Subtraction:  subtract, minus, difference, decreased by, take away, reduced by, deducted from, less than, fewer than, subtracted from

Multiplication:  multiply, times, product, product of, multiplied by, of, at, twice, double, triple

Division:  divide, divided by, quotient, quotient of, divided into, per, goes into, ratio of, average of, equally divides

Order of Operations

Step 1) do all operations within grouping symbols ( ) [ ] { }.  Work from the inside out.

Step 2) exponents

Step 3) Multiply and divide (whichever comes first in the problem).

Step 4) Add and Subtract (whichever comes first in the problem).

Negative Numbers


  • Negative times a negative leads to a positive answer. 
    • -3 times -4 = +12
  • Negative times a positive leads to a negative answer.
    • -5 times +6 = -30 
  • The same rules apply for division.
    • -10 divided by -2 = +5 
    • -10 divided by +2 = -5 
  • Also remember that like symbols when multiplying or dividing result in a positive answer.  Unlike symbols result in a negative answer.



  • Last Updated May 06, 2024
  • Views 10
  • Answered By Ed Gilbert

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