What is a topic sentence and how do I use them in my paper?


When you are writing papers, you will often be told to use topic sentence. A topic sentence is basically a guiding sentence that outlines the purpose of your paragraph. 

A topic sentence should

  • Set up the main idea of the paragraph
  • Be clear and to the point
  • Not be overly specific

In order to write a topic sentence, you need to know what the paragraph will be about.

For example, if you are writing a rhetorical analysis paper, you will usually have a body paragraph about ethos, a body paragraph about logos, and a body paragraph about pathos. Each paragraph will need its own topic sentence. Some examples might be:

  • "The authors used several methods to establish their credibility."
  • "This article was not persuasive because it lacked a logos appeal."
  • "The author used pathos to capture the audience's attention."

These sentences all make it clear what rhetorical appeal will be discussed in the paragraph and whether it was used well or poorly. They do not go in depth about exactly how the appeals were used or contain any quotes - that is something you'll do later in the paragraph, after the topic sentence. 

You should also use topic sentences in other types of paper. For example, you may have to write a persuasive argument paper of your own. When you are first brainstorming about your topic, think of as many reasons that you are right as you can. Each reason will get it's own paragraph, which means each reason needs a distinct topic sentence. If my argument was that schools should require uniforms for all students, my topic sentences might look like this: 

  • "Schools should require uniforms because they make students safer."
  • "Students wearing matching uniforms would lead to less bullying."
  • "Another reason uniforms should be enforced in schools is that they encourage professionalism."

Each sentence introduces the argument of the paragraph it is attached to in a slightly different way. Phrasing these sentences in various ways improves flow and makes your paper sound more natural. 

You can and should be using topic sentences in every paper you write, especially for body paragraphs. Doing this helps you organize your information in a sensible way and makes it easier for your readers to follow along. 


  • Last Updated Jun 17, 2024
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Elyse Gustafson

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